Saturday, March 2, 2013

I'm bad at this...

I have the hiccups.

Also, I am not very good at this whole blogging thing.  Between work, my house, my husband and dogs, and just being tired, I have not blogged in over a month.  My apologies.  I did not give up, but I did get very behind (thanks for the encouragement Betsy!).

So, in a month, a lot has changed.  Mostly, it was my own thought process and motivation to finally do something about not being happy with how I look.

First thing is first:  Lent.  I have a love/hate relationship with the idea.  Yes, it is a good thing to sacrifice something, but I do get grumpy on Fridays when I can't have meat. I decided to try not to get grumpy about Lent and to look at it as a way to jump start the new, healthier me....and it's working. I gave up soda, candy, and most fast foods, since I relied way too heavily on them while I was working out of the home. I still go to Subway and Penn Station since I can just get a sandwich. For snacks, I try to eat healthier and my husband and I are cooking more at home as well.

I also started going to Friday night and Sunday afternoon Zumba.  I always tried to go to Monday and Wednesday night, but a lot of times my work schedule would not allow it.  Then I found out that the YMCA added Friday night and Sunday afternoon Zumba.  I immediately started attending.  To be honest, Friday and Sunday are my favorite times to go.  There is one instructor who does those classes, and I like her the best of the 3 on the Zumba squad.  I feel like I can't get enough Zumba.

In addition to all of that, I tried running on the treadmill.  I am trying to train myself to run a little, even though I hated running all my life. I started out walking one minute, running two minutes, then walking two minutes.  After a few trials, I wasn't that tired afterwards, so I bumped running up to three minutes.  I did that for a few trials and the same thing happened, I wasn't that tired.  I dared myself to bump the running up to four minutes one day when my husband accompanied me to the Y.  That's where I reside as of now. That has been in a matter of about three weeks, and I am impressed with myself. Not to mention that I do this running thing AFTER I had an hour of Zumba with jumping and quick movements.  I remember when I would be wiped after just Zumba...

Now for The Great Laundry Challenge, Take 2.  I have cycled through jeans, workout clothes, and sleep socks.  I have gotten rid of a few shirts and thrown away some socks and underwear that I just didn't like or that weren't comfortable.  While thinking of this challenge, especially since this is the second time of doing this, I really am only doing this to get rid of shirts, socks, and underwear.  Mostly.  I do need to wear everything else to see if I can get rid of anything, but that's what it boils down to.  So, onward.

Last thing.  I mentioned that my husband and I have tried to eat healthier.  I tried stuffed salmon from Sam's Club the other day.  Now, if you know me, I HATE fish, except tuna.  The taste, texture, and smell.  Doesn't matter how you make it, I don't care for it. Now, this is probably the Catholic thinking in me, but I do not count shrimp, crab, scallops, etc (seafood), fish.  It just isn't.  My husband really wanted the stuffed salmon, so I said I would try it.  Verdict:  I loved it.  I still think that it was because it was stuffed with shrimp, crab, and whatever else, so I liked that and would only take a bite of salmon with the stuffing.  I'm making progress.  Baby steps.

Ok, really, this is the last thing.  I tried a "healthy sweet snack" tonight.  Banana oat cookies.  (Recipe here).  All it is:  2 Bananas, 1 cup of Oats, and if you would like, add a handful of cinnamon, walnuts, coconut, chocolate chips, etc.  I did a handful of mini chocolate chips in the batch I made tonight.  Verdict:  DELICIOUS.  They are a perfect amount of sweet and pretty healthy.  You should try some.  :)

I will try to post more frequently on any progress I make.  Thanks for reading!