Saturday, January 26, 2013

Death and Greek Yogurt

They don't go together. However, this is what my day has consisted of.

This morning, my grandmother who had Alzheimer's disease for several years joined my grandfather in Heaven.  She lived in a special memory care nursing home for about 7 years.  From what I have heard from the staff, my grandmother was the favorite resident in the home.  She was so sweet, but if someone pissed her off, watch out!  She was feisty!

For as long as I could remember, my grandmother has had this disease.  That's all I knew of her.  The "Real Grammy" was slipping away, but I do not remember her before the repetitive questions.  My parents always told me while we were on our way to Florida to just go with her questions, that was the disease.  That's what I did, and that's what I knew.

Luckily, I was able to make it up to Michigan to see her before she passed away.  I got a text on Tuesday afternoon that her health was failing quickly.  That night, Shaun and I were on our way.  It was hard to see her that sick, but I was grateful that I was able to get up there to see her one last time.  I sat in her room for three days and saw very gradual downhill changes.  The time came when I had to leave and get back home.  It was extremely difficult for me to leave knowing that this would be the last time that I would see her alive.  I am not going to lie, I cried for a good portion of the trip home.  I do have peace now knowing that she is not in pain and she is reunited with her husband in heaven.

Now for the Greek yogurt.  I am still not quite convinced that this is the greatest thing since sliced bread like a lot of people are saying.  I made a ranch dressing with it as the's just okay. I also made Greek yogurt covered blueberries.  Those are pretty good.  Not too sure if I would try another recipe with Greek yogurt.  Guess I may have to see what else is in it...

The Great Laundry Challenge: Take Two is still underway.  Nothing big to report other than the fact that I did laundry today only to keep it from piling up in our closet.  My clothes are in a container ready to be put in an upstairs closet where it won't be touched until I am out of that item of clothing.

In other news, I have been cooking more at home, so I am happy that I am trying to better our lives by eating at home more and less at restaurants.

Fin. :)

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