Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Tiny White Light

So on my last blog I talked about how I am going to Zumba more and that I started running.  That is still happening.  I am pretty proud of myself that I have kept it up for quite a while...

Now comes the part about the tiny white light.  I had been stuck on 4 minutes of running for WEEKS.  I felt that I had hit a wall because after all this time, I still felt really tired after and I wasn't making progress.  I started feeling like I was going backwards.  I had a hard time running and breathing and I was starting to get bored with running.  I thought I was in trouble.  In the past, when I got to this particular point, that is when I would quit.  But not this time.  I talked to Shaun about it and I realized I just needed to try and make it past this bump in the road.  And I did.  A day or so after I talked to Shaun about it, I went back to the treadmill and did my 4 minutes.  As by some encouragement from God, I wasn't that tired afterwards.  That wall I thought I hit, I found a small crack to pick away at, with a tiny white light peeking from the other side.  The next time I went to the gym (several days later) I set the running for five minutes.  I did it.  I wasn't overly tired, and I completed it all.  It felt great!

There is one part about this running thing I don't like, still.  That part, is running on the running track at the gym when the treadmills are full.  I run just fine on a treadmill.  I don't run so well on concrete or on this running track.  This running track curves upward at an angle AND it is on the third floor of the gym, where taking one wrong step could lead me 3 floors down to my death.  There is a gate but it only comes up to about my stomach...I don't think that is safe.  Not only that, but my shins hurt a lot when I run on that track.  NOT. FUN.

I've started running BEFORE Zumba now.  I find it easier to run since I didn't spend the whole hour before dancing and jumping.  Instead, Zumba comes after I run.  At first, I was tired at the beginning of Zumba after my run, but slowly but surely it is balancing itself out.

One of the biggest things I wanted to share today, is this:


These jeans still fit around Christmas, but they were getting snug.  By the time my Grandmother's funeral rolled around, they didn't fit at all, and it wasn't pretty.  I can fit into them now, and I couldn't be more excited!  I still have a lot of work to do, but this was one of the only differences I have seen since I started upping my Zumba and running game.  Shaun told me a few times he noticed a difference in how I looked and how things fit, but I had a hard time seeing it, until now.

I need to stay strong...Lent is over which means I can have fast food, soda, and candy again.  I will admit that since Easter, I have had my share of all of the above, but I am going to try really hard to do it only in moderation.  I think I was trying to make up for the 40 or so days without it...that being said, I have Zumba and running tonight.  Need to get ready.

One last thing...for the past couple weeks our married couple friends, Chris and Katie, have been coming to our house once a week for dinner.  Katie and I plan a menu, decide who is bringing/making what, and then cooking it and eating it together with our husbands.  It is so much more fun to cook with someone and for more than just the two of us.  I hope this continues.

Ok, now maybe this is the last thing...sorry.  I have been feeling crafty lately.  I made a keepsake shadowbox from things from our wedding.  It includes the souvenir marriage license, the program from the wedding, our cake topper, Wolverine (also on our cake), my garter, and the ring bearer pillow.  It turned out really nice and I now have to find somewhere to hang it...  Next project includes a doggie hammock for my car and Shaun's truck so the dogs have a soft blanket to lay on that also straps to our headrests to keep them in the backseat.  It also serves to protect our seats as they shed  A LOT. I don't know how long it took me to vacuum the backseat of my car the other day trying to get all of their hair was awful.

I think that is it for now...Toodles!


  1. Our dinner WILL continue! I really enjoy cooking with you! Soon we will do it here as things are getting more and more settled... but alas, will it ever be done?!

  2. That's one of the biggest things I miss being so far from my friends in Bloomington. We cooked together ALL the time, we helped each other stay creative and try different things. I'm glad you found someone to share that experience with!

    And go Elizabeth! Running is hard, so don't ever sell yourself short. 1 minute, 5 minutes, 20 minutes - it's all more than you've ever done so it's all success! Keep it up, and thanks for the motivation to get my butt moving again! :)
